for                        who want to make a positive impact




Experience the power of personalized 1-on-1 coaching, gain clarity on your goals, and achieve them through three monthly coaching calls, an online program, and a performance-based approach.

for                        who want to make a positive impact


WHAT's entailed

I passionately support and host events or seminars, actively engaging to ensure a positive and enriching experience for all participants. My commitment lies in making each event meaningful and impactful, whether through valuable insights, facilitating discussions, or offering overall support.

Inspiring Connections and Empowering Others

Seminars & Events


Through collaboration and networking, we'll build a thriving support network by connecting with like-minded organizations. Together, we aim to cultivate a strong sense of unity, providing exclusive discounts and benefits that enrich our community's experience.

Business Collaboration


I share my personal journey, recounting how I overcame adversity and confronted the challenges that led me to where I stand today. This is how WalkersOnly emerged, built upon the very principles that helped me overcome obstacles, and now aims to extend that support to empower others.

Guest Speaking


17/49 Event For Cancer Awareness

A Saturday exercise session was held dedicated to raising awareness, accompanied by a delightful BBQ and the chance to win exciting prizes. The event was a success, with all proceeds going towards a bowel cancer charity, allowing us to make a meaningful contribution to the fight against this disease.


Walkers Only Event For
Mens Mental Health 

We invested 12 hours to intense mind and body labor, climbing Kangaroo Point Stairs, Brisbane in support of men's mental health. The event aimed to raise awareness and funds, with all proceeds going directly to 'Beyond Blue' charity. In total, we successfully raised an impressive $5000, making a significant impact on improving mental health support for men.


The Performance Space

Through our partnership, we facilitated a process of growth and development, empowering coaches to refine their skills, deepen their understanding, and provide valuable guidance to those they serve.

PAST Business collaboration

Pen Y Bont Fitness

During the session, we explored the power of mindset in shaping our perspectives and overcoming challenges. The talk provided valuable tools and inspiration for individuals to navigate adversity, embrace growth, and thrive in various aspects of their lives.

PAST Business collaboration

Function Well 

We organized fitness events, fostering a sense of community and providing opportunities for social networking. By joining forces, we were able to offer discounted offers and promotions, further strengthening our bond as a united group. Together, we created a vibrant community, engaging in enjoyable activities while supporting each other's fitness and well-being goals.

PAST Business collaboration

Swinton Lions 

During our conversation, we emphasized the significance of mindset and its profound impact on performance. Exploring this crucial connection, we discussed strategies to cultivate a positive and growth-oriented mindset, enabling individuals to unlock their full potential

PAST guest speaking

Bridgend Ravens

 I emphasized the crucial role that mental well-being plays in athletic performance and overall sportsmanship. Through thoughtful insights and examples, we explored ways to prioritize mental health in sports for greater resilience, motivation, and well-being among athletes

PAST guest speaking

Sharing my narrative to inspire others

Sharing my narrative empowers others as I openly discuss my experiences, challenges, and achievements. By purposefully conveying the message of resilience and determination, I inspire a spark of motivation in those who hear my story. Through embracing my own journey, I encourage others to recognize their own power and take positive action in their lives. Together, we create a community where personal narratives become catalysts for growth and empowerment


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